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Covid Shock And The News Is All Good

Welcome followers, we’ve spent the last 7, 4? no 8 I think, weeks of lockdown trying to remember what day it was, determined not to have a drink until the weekend and watching with increasing dismay the daily Ashley & Jacinda show.

But an extraordinary phenomenon has caught, certainly the Government, but most of New Zealand by surprise.

Our economy has shouldered away the greatest shock to its system since the 1987 World Sharemarket Crash with not even a shimmy. Grant Robertson has been generous in his surprise and delight – the tax take is way ahead of Treasury’s dire forecasts. And Adrian Orr has directed the Reserve Bank to raise the OCR for the first time in 7 years to cope with impending inflation. Desperately needed immigrants are beating on the door (we all hope it collapses inwards) and I predict the post Covid recovery will be dramatic and quick.

We’re in a very good place.

And as soon as Jacinda allows me to invite you, you must attend one of my seminars on how you are going to either get on the property ladder (maybe with some mates with a quarter share for about $200,000?) or start a portfolio if you’re in my class, as a Boomer.

It’s very, very easy for most if you are just told how to do it and why.

If I can make it work I’ll even invite you to Zoom attend… or Zoom one-on-one. Text me if the volume’s off.

Ha ha.

Just to end October’s missive on a high note, the Spanish Flu decimated Europe for years and then suddenly disappeared, almost overnight. And the medical academics, today, still have no explanation as to why.

Still get your jabs though.

Best for the start of Spring!

Write to me…………………..MARTIN.

[email protected]

Call me: 0800 LADDER


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